Media Enquiries
If you have any media or press enquiries, please get in touch with us using the following email address:
Resources for Health and Social Care professionals
Knowing when an advocacy referral might be appropriate isn't always clear. We've put together some resources to help you and your organisation understand when advocacy could help.

Advocacy explained
Our YouTube channel contains videos and playlists which explain our services.
We also have some webinar recordings on our channel, in which area experts discuss particular types of advocacy and its application in more detail.
Visit our channel here: @TheAdvocacyPeople
Below is a selection of digital resources, posters and leaflets that you can share with staff and clients. If you would like us to send you free, high quality printed copies in one of our THINK ADVOCACY packs, please send a request using the form at the bottom of this page.
Presentation for display boards and screens
Designed for use in GP surgery and hospital waiting areas. If you require amendments or a different format (file type, length etc.) please get in touch via:
Presentation coming soon
THINK ADVOCACY advocacy awareness raising pack
Our THINK ADVOCACY packs contain:
Posters for your office - explaining when to THINK ADVOCACY
Leaflets for your clients - to help them know how advocacy can help

For professionals

Our THINK ADVOCACY poster (click the image to preview)
Click the PDF icon below for a high quality version that can be shared.
For clients and service users

Our A6 leaflet (click the image to preview)
Click the PDF icon below for a high quality version that can be shared.
Information for your website and other comms
Below are a some useful links to commonly looked for pages of our website, which you can use when linking to our services as a partner or referring organisation:
When giving information about us on your website or other comms, please use a high resolution logo. You can download our logo here.

Below is some suggested wording that you can use when providing information about who we are and our services on your website or in other communications such as newsletters or leaflets.
The Advocacy People
We can help if you or someone you know is struggling to be heard when decisions are being made about health or social care.
We can help you understand your rights and help you to clearly express your views and opinions to those that need to know.
We may be able to attend meetings with you and help you write letters.
Get in touch with us to find out how we can support you.
0330 440 9000
You can link to or use any of the materials above (videos, posters, leaflets etc.) on your website when sharing our information with your clients and service users.
If you have any specific requirements or would like to discuss anything not covered on this page, please get in touch via: